Module 1: Design a data model in Power BI (3 hours)
Work With Tables
Create a date table
Work with dimensions
Define data granularity
Working with relationships and cardinality
Resolve modeling challenges
LAB: Data modeling in Power BI Desktop
LAB: developing a data model
Test Your Knowledge
Module 2: Create a data-driven story with Power BI Desktop (3 Hours)
Design a report layout
Add buttons, bookmarks, and selections
Design report navigation
User basic interactions
Use advanced interactions and drill through
Configure conditional formatting
Apply slicing, filtering and sorting
Publish and export reports
Comment on reports
Tune report performance
LAB : Enhance Power BI Reports with slicers, interaction and formatting
Test your knowledge
Module 3: DAX in Power BI (2 Hours)
Introduction to DAX
Use the calculate function
User relationship effectively
Create semi-additive measures
LAB : Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop Part 1
Work with Time Intelligence
LAB : Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop Part 2
Module 4: Create Advanced Dashboards with Power BI (1 Hours)
Configure Data Alerts
Explore data by asking questions
Add a dashboard Theme
Pin a live report page to a dashboard
Configure a real-time dashboard
Configure data classification
Set mobile view
LAB : Create a Power BI Dashboard
Test your Knowledge